Q: When did you first meet and how?
A: We first met 4 years ago. My ex had left me about a week before and my roommate/best friend dragged me out to a local bar on the water. I saw this extremely tall and handsome man across the room and asked who it was. Turns out it was my roomie's little brother's good friend from high school! I went over and introduced myself, but that's all. We later bumped into each other and he offered to buy me a drink–even though my glass was completely full! Later on in the night, my roomie pulled her normal "after-party at our place!" so he and his friend stopped over.
This shy and incredibly handsome man just stood in the corner the entire night laughing as my friends and I socialized. As he was leaving, I asked if he wanted my number (even tho I already added him on social media). When I finally laid down in bed he had messaged me, and we texted the entire night, flirting back and forth, and have not stopped talking since then. We went on our first date a few days later (which lasted 16 hours! Zoo, lunch, then movies... we couldn't get enough of each other's company)!
Q: What about the design made you choose this ring to be the one?
A: The design on this ring is absolutely perfect for me! My middle name is Rose–so I am obsessed with anything flowers. I was looking for something that looked slightly floral, but not over the top (which this halo offers). I also like antique looking rings, and the band (on the engagement ring) offers this delicate little touch. Plus, my name is Samantha, and the ring is called Samantha... a total sign it was meant to be!
Q: In each your own words, can you describe what the days leading up to the proposal were like? Can you tell us about the proposal?
A: Days leading up to the proposal were completely normal! We had planned to go to the Zoo (which we do once a year around our anniversary). This being our 5th time, I was excited my favorite animal (sloth) had moved locations and had a brand new home for us to see. It was pouring rain that morning, but that didn't stop us from spending a day together. I wore my rain coat, while he carried an umbrella- this rain just meant less of a crowd and more time for just us. He mentioned starting at the back of the zoo this time, to go see the sloth first, since everyone was rushing into the very first 2 indoor exhibits to get out of the rain, i thought this was a great idea!
Little did I know, he had a plan- he wasn't the slightest bit nervous or off! We took a selfie with the sloth, then he wanted to take a picture of me staring at it happily. So I did, and when I turned around he was on one knee, with a photographer snapping the moment. It was perfect! The photographer went around with us to different spots at the zoo and took pictures (my hair was ruined from the rain, make up gone from tears, not the best outfit)... but that is what makes these pictures the best.
Q: How your overall experience with Fire & Brilliance?
A: Our overall experience with F&B has been great! I emailed a couple times, asking for details about the warranty, and payment options for my boyfriend because I was trying to hand him ALL the information he needed, to buy the ring sooner lol. I knew I didn't want a real diamond (conflict-free), and we are about to start a family/house hunting, so saving a little extra money on an item was perfect for us! He could have given me a paper clip for a ring and I would have been the happiest woman in the world, but I'll be honest- this is MUCH better and prettier (he even went bigger on the center stone then I originally wanted–no complaints here).

Lastly, we wanted to ask something of each our clients to be featured a question that is unique to their story.
Q: What is the best way to resolve an argument?
A: The best way to resolve an argument is to give each other space. My fiance prefers to solve things instantly and talk it over, but I need time to cool down. I would never want to use my words to hurt him, but in the heat of the moment we can say things we don't mean. So he learned to let me cool down. When we do talk about the issue, we try and laugh at the situation. If someone pronounces a word wrong, or gets tongue tied, we just laugh at each other and it lightens the mood. After fights we always agree to do better in the future, because we can't imagine life without each other and an argument taking over our happy times.
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