Jason & Katelynn

How did you meet and how?
Jason and I met when I was in 5th grade and he was in 7th. He always liked me but I never liked him in that way. I friend zoned him and I married someone else. When I got divorced, I realized that the guy that had been one of my closest friends for years was deserving of a chance. 😅

Tell me about your ring! What made you feel that it was one?
My ring is an engagement ring, that I custom designed with you guys. I randomly developed an allergy about 7 years after my first wedding/marriage. My wedding ring from that marriage was a white gold jacket but my engagement ring was platinum. I noticed that my finger would itch, get hives and peel above and below my engagement right, where my wedding ring was (because it was a jacket). I stopped wearing my wedding ring completely and just wore my platinum engagement ring for the last 2 years of that marriage. I had no issues with it.
When it came time to get remarried, i knew I had developed a nickel allergy and platinum was what I wanted. I also knew I wanted something antique or looked antique, so I ended up trying on a $55k 2ct platinum 1910 engagement ring at an antiques dealer in Franklin, TN. The price was way out of my budget, but it was my inspiration for the ring that I had made with F&B.
Did you design the ring with your fiancè?
I designed it. He told me that I’m too picky to surprise me with a ring and that I knew exactly what I wanted so to go ahead and get it. 🤣 I mean, he wasn’t wrong! Haha. It was a fun process and I really enjoyed it. I think I sent 3 photos of 1910-1920s ring with parts to make it similar to the ring I had in mind that I don’t think I have a photo of (it’s been a few years now and I honestly can’t recall).

So after you designed it, was it still a surprise how and when he would propose?
Hahah well. I guess my story isn’t all that romantic for a wedding blog 😂. He never proposed and it wasn’t a surprise. We had already lived together.
I had already been married once, so I felt the commitment part far important than the tradition part. My husband also isn’t into weddings so it worked out well for the both of us.
We ordered it right after it was finalized in May and we got married in July in our backyard with only our parents present.

Could you describe the wedding a bit more for me? What was it like? How did the day go?
We got married in July under an enormous Norway Spruce next to our 1830 Farmhouse. It was short and sweet. No frills. No reception. Just our parents.
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