Emily and Chase

When did you guys meet and how?
We met in March of 2016 via a mutual friend. We were both seniors in high school from neighboring schools.
Tell me about the proposal!
The idea for the proposal was one I played with many times. I wanted to make this important moment in my life as perfect as it could be for Emily. Most of my ideas had to do with hiking, with the thought of pulling out the ring in front of a nice view and having little to no crowd. However, I felt like that was too simple, too obvious.
The idea to drive to Florida for a beach proposal came into my head. Emily's sister lives in Destin, FL so I knew it could be arranged relatively easy. With some discussion, last minute planning, and fingers crossed for good weather I set the stage.
Emily thought we were packing our bags the night before for a weekend camping trip with a to be determined destination. She is a gifted trip planner and always needs to know the details, so you can imagine how annoyed she had become when I wouldn't give her a specific location.
Fast forward, we arrive in Destin with all smiles. The next day, Saturday morning we rent a pontoon and swim around crab island. After more swimming, food, and hanging out the sun began to set. The perfect sunset sky was beginning to take shape. My nerves were high, and the words I had to say I left unplanned.
I got down on one knee and presented the love of my life with a slightly awkward and nervous proposal; however, with the beautiful ring, my smile, and perfect sky I asked her to marry me and was rewarded with a YES.
Long story short, it was no movie scene but it was perfect in its own right and something I will cherish forever.

What about your ring design made you decide that it was the one?
Emily had given me a lot of suggestions for the perfect ring. I like to make things special and definitely didn't want her just picking it out for me to make the purchase.
So, I took her suggestions into consideration and knew she would love the ring I chose when I saw it. It had a simple but elegant design which is exactly the look that represents Emily. The setting was simple but encased the ring with symmetry and added just enough to accent the stone to my liking. The price couldn't be beat and I made my selection without a second thought.
How did you first hear about us? How was your overall experience with Fire & Brilliance?

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