These "July Savings" promo codes run from 1pm PST on 7/27/23 to 12:00PM PST on 7/31/23
*Codes will not work once expired. No Exceptions*
Promo Instructions on Coupon Code:
Type the discount code into the "Giftcard or Discount Code" box at checkout and save immediately!
Promo Rules, Terms and Conditions on Coupon Code:
1. New orders only.
2. Discounts cannot be stacked or transferred.
3. The promo codes can only be used once per person.
4. The promo codes above start at 1PM PST on July 27th, 2023 and end at 12PM PST on July 31st, 2023.
5. Coupon code only applies to items available on It does not apply to personalized jewelry requested to be custom-made “a la carte” by one of our designers.
6. *Promo codes exclude "Expedited Processing/Production Time" & extended domestic and international "F&B Warranty" add-ons.
7. No exceptions to these rules.

Can a good deal be too good to be true? Nonsense!
For purchases
$1,750.00 and up
*Total purchase value of $1,750.00 USD or more is gifted with a free 6.5mm FAB Moissanite Sterling Silver Earrings

Can a good deal be too good to be true? Nonsense!
For purchases $1,750.00 and up
*Total purchase value of $1,750.00 USD or more is gifted with free
6.5mm FAB Moissanite Sterling Silver Earrings.
This limited time opportunity begins at 1PM PST on 7/27/2023 and ends at 12PM PST on 7/31/2023!