Pretty in Plaid

Plaid is in season, friends. The pattern is showing up everywhere on the runway, and there’s really no reason for it not to show up in your wardrobe. Plaid is classified by as “any fabric woven of differently colored yarns in a crossbarred pattern,” or a “pattern of this kind.” It’s perfect for this cold of winter to wrap yourself in; you can look like a well-made walking Christmas gift without even having to try.

The pattern comes in all shapes and sizes, in as many color combinations as you can think of, and can wield the power to even warm the heart of one Ebinezer Scrooge. You can play it up big with a long tweed coat, skirt, or dress, or you can add subtle notes of it in your ensemble with a scarf or gloves. In accessories, you can add a pop of color and texture to your outfit with a multicolor plaid purse or even some pumps to help kick your day into high gear. Note the "or." Of course, with everything in fashion, embellish in moderation. Too much, too plaid would be like a Christmas aftermath. To better work your plaid-playing, you can pair the pattern with suede, leather, or fur in mute or solid tones. However you may decide to wear it, just remember to have fun! After all, once winter ends, we’ll have to wait another two seasons to play with plaid some more so seize the opportunity while you can!


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